首页> 外文会议>Annual International Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers >Limitations of treated wastewater reuse in the Middle East and North Africa: Work-in-progress

Limitations of treated wastewater reuse in the Middle East and North Africa: Work-in-progress




As the world population increases and water resources become more coveted, water emerges as the key component to impacting sustainability of global economy including global food security and economic growth. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) isthe driest region in the world, containing just one-percent of the world's freshwater resources. However logical wastewater reuse may be for bridging the supply-demand gap in this arid region, significant constraints prevent widespread adoption. For theMENA, economics and public perception seem to be among the most significant challenges for implementing a successful wastewater reuse scheme; however, other factors such as performance of treatment technologies, monitoring requirements, and policy intertwine to create more complex challenges. The overarching question for this research is: What are the factors limiting increased applications of treated wastewater reuse in agricultural production in the MENA countries? In particular, the goals of this project are to evaluate the technical performance of wastewater treatment facilities, countries' policies regarding the use of treated wastewater, and public perception regarding the use of these waters. Preliminary findings from comparative studies in Palestine, Tunisia, Qatar, and Midwest United States will be explored.



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