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Improving the Field CV of Aerial Topdressing; Through Computer Controlled Prescription Delivery




Fertilizer is applied on New Zealand hill country properties mostly as single superphosphate and urea using agricultural fixed wing aircraft. The delivery is by gravity feed through a gate-box controlled manually or hydraulically by the pilot.Work undertaken to establish how accurate a pilot is in delivering the correct rate has calculated the coefficient of variation (CV), which is the standard deviation of the spread over the mean to be 78%. In addition the spread is non random as areas which are cheaper to apply, through their proximity to the airstrip, tend to receive higher application rates than those furthest from the airstrip.The accuracy of the spread was significantly improved by fitting a computer controlled hydraulic operated gate-box control unit linked to the aircraft differential corrected global positioning system (DGPS) achieving a CV of 42%.The aircraft was pattern tested to Spreadmark~R standard to establish a swath or bout width to fly which would achieve a CV of 25% over collectors applying single superphosphate (SSP) in a single pass at 3 rates to be applied. The DGPS guided aircraft was then flown in a 338.4ha block to achieve three targeted rates, 125kgha~(-1), 250kgha~(-1) and 750kgha~(-1) using the pilot operated gate-box. Subsequently, the computer controlled gate-box linked to the DGPS was installed and an 887ha block where two rate were applied, 250kgha~(-1) and 750kgha~(-1). Spread rate was measured from 180, 0.5m2 collectors placed in three blocks in each application zone.
机译:肥应用于使用农业固定翼飞机新西兰山地性质大多为单过磷酸钙和尿素。输送是通过重力进料通过门盒手动地或液压地控制通过进行以建立一个导频如何准确的在提供正确的速率pilot.Work已计算出的变化(CV)的系数,这是的标准偏差分布在平均值为78%。此外价差非随机的,因为这是更便宜的地区提出申请,通过他们接近跑道,往往会得到较高的应用率比从传播的airstrip.The准确性最远的那些通过安装液压控制的计算机操作是显著改善连接到飞机差动门盒控制单元校正的全球定位系统(DGPS)的实现42%。该飞机CV被图案测试,以Spreadmark〜R标准建立刈或回合宽度飞这将实现25 CV要施加%,比在3个评分在单次通过施加单过磷酸钙(SSP)收集器。在DGPS然后被引导飞机在一个338.4公顷块飞行实现三个目标速率,125kgha〜(-1),250kgha〜(-1)和750kgha〜(-1)使用先导式门盒。随后,连接到DGPS计算机控制栅盒安装和887公顷块,其中两个速率施加,250kgha〜(-1)和750kgha〜(-1)。传播速度从180,0.5平方米收集器放置在三个块中的每个应用程序区进行测量。



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