
The Measure of the Universe




Cosmology has no predictive power without a theory of initial conditions. Because of the singularity theorems of Penrose and myself, many people assume that the initial state is necessarily of trans-Planckian curvature. We have no ideas of how to formulate initial conditions in such situations. String theory, at least in the form we know it, is based on perturbations about flat space, and so would break down along with classical general relativity. However, the singularity theorem relevant to cosmology, though not that for black holes, depends on the strong energy condition: TabVaVb 1 2 TVaVa for any timelike or null vector Va. This is always satisfied by gauge fields, but can be violated locally by scalar fields. It is therefore possible for the universe either to bounce or to approach a de Sitter state in the past. Such non-singular solutions form only a small subset of the space of all scalar field gravity solutions, but I shall show that the no boundary condition implies that they provide the dominant contribution to the present state. The curvature of the universe need never have been at the Planck level, and the birth of the universe can have been entirely within the semi classical domain. String theory is not necessary for cosmology.
机译:没有初始条件理论,宇宙没有预测力。由于PenRose和我自己的奇点定理,许多人认为初始状态必须是跨普拉克曲率。我们没有如何在这种情况下制定初始条件的想法。字符串理论,至少在我们知道的形式中,基于围绕扁平空间的扰动,因此将与经典的一般相对性分解。然而,与宇宙学相关的奇点定理,但不是那个黑洞,依赖于强的能量条件:TabVavb 1 2 Tvava的任何时间般的或空向量Va。这总是由仪表字段满足,但可以通过标量侵犯字段。因此,宇宙可以在过去反弹或接近De Satter状态。这种非奇异解决方案只形成了所有标量场重力解决方案的空间的小子集,但我将表明,没有边界条件意味着它们为当前状态提供了主导的贡献。宇宙的曲率需要从未处于普朗克水平,宇宙的诞生可以完全在半古典领域内。弦理论不是宇宙学的必要条件。



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