首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance >MoMS: Multi-objective miniaturization of software

MoMS: Multi-objective miniaturization of software




Smart phones, gaming consoles, and wireless routers are ubiquitous; the increasing diffusion of such devices with limited resources, together with society's unsatiated appetite for new applications, pushes companies to miniaturize their programs. Miniaturizing a program for a hand-held device is a time-consuming task often requiring complex decisions. Companies must accommodate conflicting constraints: customers' satisfaction with features may be in conflict with a device's limited storage, memory, or battery life. This paper proposes a process, MoMS, for the multi-objective miniaturization of software to help developers miniaturize programs while satisfying multiple conflicting constraints. It can be used to support the reverse engineering, next release problem, and porting of both software and product lines. The process directs the elicitation of customer pre-requirements, their mapping to program features, and the selection of the features to port. We present two case studies based on Pooka, an email client, and SIP Communicator, an instant messenger, to demonstrate that MoMS supports optimized miniaturization and helps reduce effort by 77%, on average, over a manual approach.
机译:智能手机,游戏机和无线路由器普遍存在;由于资源有限的这些设备的扩散越来越大,以及社会对新应用的不良胃口,推动公司将其缩减计划。小型化用于手持设备的程序是常用的任务,通常需要复杂的决策。公司必须适应相互冲突的约束:客户对功能的满意度可能与设备有限的存储,内存或电池寿命发生冲突。本文提出了一个过程,妈妈,用于软件的多目标小型化,以帮助开发人员在满足多个冲突约束的同时小型化计划。它可用于支持逆向工程,下一个发布问题和软件和产品线的移植。该过程指示客户预先要求的elization,它们的映射到程序功能,以及将功能的选择到端口。我们提出了一个基于POOKA的两种案例研究,电子邮件客户端和SIP Communicator,即时使者,展示MOMS支持优化的小型化,并通过手动方法平均帮助努力减少77%。



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