首页> 外文会议>American Institute of Chemical Engineers Meeting >From Scotch Tape ~R to Body Armor: Combustible Dust Implementation Practices - A Multi-Prong and Multi-Functional Approach

From Scotch Tape ~R to Body Armor: Combustible Dust Implementation Practices - A Multi-Prong and Multi-Functional Approach

机译:从苏格兰胶带〜r到身体护甲:可燃粉尘实现实践 - 一种多叉和多功能的方法



3M faces the challenge of combustible dust hazard management with multiple technologies, materials and processes that include the aspects of solids handling and combustible dust as an input material, an intermediate, or a final product. Our approach has been to introduce combustible dust terminology and to develop technical competency in the area of combustible dust analysis and handling to multiple organizations and functions. This has been accomplished by the establishment of a 3M Engineering Standard and Technology Chapters focused on combustible dust, adding combustible dust to the 3M internal list of Highly Hazardous Chemicals, and working with the Product EHS organization to provide guidance for Safety Data Sheet content relative to combustible dust.



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