首页> 外文会议>American Institute of Chemical Engineers Meeting >Improve Steam Cracking Furnace Productivity and Emissions Control through Filtration and Coalescence

Improve Steam Cracking Furnace Productivity and Emissions Control through Filtration and Coalescence




Hydrocarbon streams feeding ethylene steam cracking furnaces often contain significant levels of corrosion products, water, and salts. This is especially true when naphtha is supplied by marine vessels. In these cases, high efficiency liquid-liquid coalescers and filters are recommended to condition the inlet feed stream. Contaminants in the inlet hydrocarbons can adversely affect ethylene production in a number of ways. Sodium and iron oxides are known to be coke promoters, and their presence can reduce the run time of the ethylene furnaces before decoking is required, and in some instances reduce the life of the furnace tubes by as much as one third. Unscheduled or frequent decoking cycles lead to a loss in ethylene production, shortened furnace tube life, and create higher maintenance costs. Frequent decoking will also result in increased particulate release to the atmosphere and can create environmental concerns over excessive emissions. Fouling of flow meters and control valves can lead to difficulty in maintaining the optimum furnace temperature and steam/hydrocarbon feed ratio. This can lead to poor yield of ethylene by the cracker and undesirable by-products. Installation experience at The Dow Chemical Company (Dow) in Freeport, Texas is presented for the use of high efficiency liquid-liquid coalescers and filters to extend the steam cracker service life between decokings. The naphtha feed was supplied by marine transport and contained significant salt water contamination. An economic evaluation of the savings due to improved operation efficiency and the payback period for the coalescer system is provided. The installation of the high efficiency coaiescer -filtration system was found to have a payback of less than ten months based on extended furnace run times alone, assuming that ethylene production is limited by furnace availability.
机译:进料乙烯蒸汽裂解炉的烃流通常含有显着水平的腐蚀产物,水和盐。当船舶提供石脑油时,这尤其如此。在这些情况下,建议使用高效液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液 - 液体聚结剂调节入口进料流。入口烃中的污染物可能以多种方式对乙烯产生产生不利影响。钠和铁的氧化物被称为是焦炭的启动子,而且它们的存在可降低乙烯炉的运行时间是必需的除焦之前,并且在某些情况通过降低炉管的寿命多达三分之一。未划分的或频繁的衰减循环导致乙烯生产损失,熔炉寿命缩短,并产生更高的维护成本。频繁的摧毁也将导致颗粒状释放增加到大气中,并且可以产生过度排放的环境问题。流量计和控制阀的污染可能导致保持最佳炉温和蒸汽/烃进料比。这可以通过饼干和不希望的副产物导致乙烯的产量差。在陶氏化学公司(陶氏)在自由港,德克萨斯州安装的经验,提出了利用高效率的液 - 液聚结器和过滤器的延长除焦之间的蒸汽裂解装置的使用寿命。石脑油饲料由海运运输提供,含有显着的盐水污染。提供了由于改进的运营效率和聚结系统的投资期导致的经济评估。假设乙烯生产受熔炉可用性有限,发现安装了高效率的CoSiescer -Filtration系统的高效合作社 - 流量系统的回报率不到十个月。



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