首页> 外文会议>International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis >Multilocus Short Sequence Repeat Analysis of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Isolates from Dairy Herds in Northeastern United States of a Longitudinal Study Indicates Low Shedders are Truly Infected

Multilocus Short Sequence Repeat Analysis of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Isolates from Dairy Herds in Northeastern United States of a Longitudinal Study Indicates Low Shedders are Truly Infected




The objectives of this study were to evaluate whether low shedders of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) were pass-through animals or whether they were truly infected. We also evaluated whether these animals were possibly infected by the super-shedders. The MAP isolates were obtained from a longitudinal study that involved three different herds in the northeastern US. The shedding levels of animals at each culture-positive occasion were determined. Selected isolates were collected from all animals that were culture-positive at the same time super-shedders were present in the herds and from super-shedders. Using a multilocus short sequence repeat (MLSSR) approach we found 15 different strains from a total of 142 isolates analyzed. The results indicated herd-specific infections; a clonal infection in herd C with 89% of animals sharing the same strain, different strains in herds A and B. In herd C, 100% and in herd A, 17 to 70% of cows shed the same strain as that of contemporary super-shedders at a given collection date. About 82% of available tissue samples were culture-positive indicating a true infection. Taken together the results of MAP strain-typing and shedding levels, we conclude that at least 50% of low shedders have same strain as that of a contemporary super-shedder. The results of this study indicate that very few cows had characteristics of a possible pass-through animal; many more cows were actively infected. The sharing of same strain of low shedders with the contemporary super-shedders suggests that low shedders may be infected as adults by the super-shedders.
机译:本研究的目的是评估低患者的分枝杆菌亚副潜伏药。对副植物(地图)是通过动物或是否真正感染。我们还评估了这些动物是否可能被超级患病者感染。地图分离株是从纵向研究中获得的,涉及美国东北三种不同的畜群。确定每种培养阳性场合的动物的脱落水平。从培养阳性的所有动物收集所选分离物,同时存在超级嗜睡剂在群中和超级患者中存在。使用多点段短序列重复(MLSSR)方法,我们发现15种不同的菌株,分析了142个分离物。结果表明群体特异性感染;牧群C克隆感染患有89%的动物分享相同的菌株,群A和B中的不同菌株。在牧群C中,100%和牧群A中,17至70%的奶牛脱落与当代超级时尚相同的菌株 - 在给定的收集日期。约82%的可用组织样品是培养阳性表明真正的感染。汇集了地图应变型和脱落水平的结果,得出结论,至少50%的低落水者的菌株与当代超级表演者相同。本研究的结果表明,很少有奶牛具有可能的通过动物的特征;更多的奶牛被积极感染。具有当代超级患者的低落水者的相同菌株的共享表明,低落水者可能被超级患者感染为成年人。



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