
Human Factors Program To Reduce Lost-Time Injuries in Oilfield Land Operations




The analysis of an oilfield service company's land operations lost time injuries and associated costs indicated a need for immediate action to be taken to reduce the problem. This paper presents a human factors program implemented to reduce Schlumberger's lost time injuries. The ultimate objective of the program was to implement design changes and adapt working practices to reduce lost time injuries and to increase productivity. The program began with an analysis of lost time injury incidents to identify specific areas on which to focus. Of particular interest was the significant number of lifting and handling injuries and tripping and falling accidents, as well as the significant costs related to workers involved. Data gathering was undertaken in the field in North America, the Middle East, and the Far East. Remedial actions were suggested, some of which included fundamental revision of working practices. To promote a proactive approach for the future, a field management training program was proposed to increase awareness, help identify potential hazards, and define a structured approach to the remedial action.



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