
EARLINET-ASOS: programs and perspectives for the aerosol study on continental scale




EARLINET, the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network, is the first aerosol lidar network, established in 2000, with the main goal to provide a comprehensive, quantitative, and statistically significant data base for the aerosol distribution on a continental scale. At present, 23 stations distributed over Europe are part of the network. The EARLINET-ASOS (Advanced Sustainable Observation System) EC Project, starting on the EARLINET infrastructure, will contribute to the improvement of continuing observations and methodological developments that are urgently needed to provide the multi-year continental scale data set necessary to assess the impact of aerosols on the European and global environment and to support future satellite missions. The main objective of EARLINET-ASOS 5-year project, started on 1 March 2006, is to improve the EARLINET infrastructure resulting in a better spatial and temporal coverage of the observations, continuous quality control for the complete observation system, and fast availability of standardized data products. This will be reached by defining and using common standards for instruments, operation procedures, observation schemes, data processing including advanced retrieval algorithms, and dissemination of data. The expected outcome is the most comprehensive data source for the 4-D spatio-temporal distribution of aerosols on a continental scale.
机译:Earlinet是欧洲气溶胶研究激光雷达网络,是第一批气溶胶激光雷达网络,成立于2000年,主要目标是为大陆规模提供全面,量化和统计上大型数据库。目前,分布在欧洲的23站是网络的一部分。从耳坠基础设施开始的Earlinet-ASO(高级可持续观察系统)EC项目将有助于提高迫切需要提供评估所需的多年大陆尺度数据集的持续观察和方法的方法欧洲和全球环境的气溶胶,支持未来的卫星任务。 Earlinet-ASOS 5年级项目的主要目标是,于2006年3月1日开始,是改善Eglinet基础设施,导致观察的更好的空间和时间覆盖,完整的观察系统的连续质量控制,以及标准化的快速可用性数据产品。通过定义和使用仪器,操作程序,观察计划,数据处理,包括高级检索算法的数据处理以及传播数据来达到这一点。预期结果是大陆规模上4-D时空分布的最全面的数据源。


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