首页> 外文会议>NORCHIP Conference >Event Control and Programming for Microprocessor Peripheral Systems

Event Control and Programming for Microprocessor Peripheral Systems




Standard microcontrollers waste a significant amount of CPU cycles in order to handle I/O and peripheral resources. To handle communication between on-chip peripherals without interference from CPU, DMA or interrupt resources, the Atmel AVR XMEGA microcontroller introduces a peripheral resource known as the Event System. The Event System currently implemented on the AVR XMEGA offers limited resources for logical event computation, and can be used as a basic routing facility for I/O and peripheral signals. The present work proposes a novel extension to the Event System. In order to enhance routing flexibility a programmable asynchronous interconnect topology with pipelined switches has been designed, leading to increased computational power through the use of asynchronous LUTs to handle logical event computations.
机译:标准微控制器浪费大量的CPU周期,以处理I / O和外围资源。为了处理片上外围设备之间的通信而不从CPU,DMA或中断资源干扰,Atmel AVR XMEGA微控制器引入了称为事件系统的外围资源。目前在AVR XMEGA上实现的事件系统为逻辑事件计算提供有限的资源,可以用作I / O和外围信号的基本路由设施。本工作提出了对事件系统的新推广。为了增强路由灵活性,已经设计了使用流水线开关的可编程异步互连拓扑,从而通过使用异步LUT来处理逻辑事件计算来提高计算能力。



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