首页> 外文会议>Annual International Association for Landscape Ecology Conference >The effects of fragmentation of groundwater systems on the distribution of characteristic fen species in Dutch polders

The effects of fragmentation of groundwater systems on the distribution of characteristic fen species in Dutch polders




Abstraction of drinking water, intensive agriculture and the intake of Rhine water in the Dutch polder area have caused a decline of natural wetland ecosystems and a loss of their biodiversity. In the fen ecosystems of the Vecht river plain, human interference in hydrology as well as eutrophication and acidification have caused a decrease in suitable habitat for nutrient poor groundwater dependent fens. Additionally, fragmentation of groundwater systems resulted in fragmentation of the remaining species' habitats, causing a decrease in habitat area and therefore in the size and the connectivity of the remaining subpopulations. This paper considers the abiotic and biotic key-factors that determine the occurrence of characteristic fen species. It is hypothesised that habitat degradation is primarily responsible for the decline in the distribution of characteristic fen species, but that the decreased connectivity and population sizes caused by fragmentation have an additional negative effect. A multiple regression analysis (GLM) with species presence/absence as a dependent variable was performed, with analyses undertaken for two fen species (Carex diandra and Menyanthes trifoliatd) and a wet grassland species (Lychnis flos-cuculi). The results indicate Calcium and Iron to be good predictors of species occurrence, indicating the importance of restoring the original hydrological situation with seepage water discharge. Furthermore, variables relating to habitat fragmentation were also good predictors of species occurrence, confirming the expectation that additional to habitat loss and degradation, habitat fragmentation has a negative effect on species performance. We conclude that the model presented in this study can support decision making on the conservation of rare fen species in relation to the spatial configuration of their habitat.
机译:饮用水,集约农业和莱茵河水在荷兰圩区摄入的提取造成天然湿地生态系统的衰落及其生物多样性的丧失。在Vecht River河畔的平原沼泽生态系统,水文以及水体富营养化和酸化人为干扰造成的适宜栖息地的营养地下水较差依赖沼泽地减少。此外,地下水系统的碎片化导致了剩余物种栖息地的破碎化,造成栖息地面积,因此在尺寸的减小,其余亚群的连接。本文考虑的非生物和生物键因素决定特性芬物种的发生。据假设,栖息地退化是在特性芬物种分布的下降主要负责,但该连接降低和人口的纸型碎片引起的有一个额外的负面影响。进行与物种存在/不存在,为因变量的多回归分析(GLM)中,用(圆锥薹草和睡菜trifoliatd)为两个分地物种进行分析和湿草原物种(剪秋野-库库利)。结果表明:钙和铁是种发生的良好预测指标,说明恢复与渗漏水排出原有的水文情况的重要性。此外,将有关栖息地破碎化的变量也是种发生的良好预测指标,确认附加栖息地丧失和退化,生境破碎化对种性能产生负面影响的预期。我们的结论是,在这项研究中提出的模型可以支持决策上罕见芬物种的保护相对于它们的栖息地的空间配置。



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