首页> 外文会议>Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum >MIRACLE Experiments in QA@CLEF 2006 in Spanish: Main Task, Real-Time QA and Exploratory QA Using Wikipedia (WiQA)

MIRACLE Experiments in QA@CLEF 2006 in Spanish: Main Task, Real-Time QA and Exploratory QA Using Wikipedia (WiQA)

机译:奇迹在QA @克利夫2006年的西班牙语实验:主要任务,使用维基百科(WiQA)的实时QA和探索性QA



We describe the participation of MIRACLE group in the QA track at CLEF. We participated in three subtasks and presented two systems that works in Spanish. The first system is a traditional QA system and was evaluated in the main task and the Real-Time QA pilot. The system features improved Named Entity recognition and shallow linguistic analysis and achieves moderate performance. In contrast, results obtained in RT-QA shows that this approach is promising to provide answers in constrained time. The second system focus in the WiQA pilot task, that aims at retrieving important snippets to complete a Wikipedia. The system uses collection link structure, cosine similarity and Named Entities to retrieve new and important snippets. Although the experiments have not been exhaustive it seems that the performance depends on the type of concept.



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