
Grammar Based Crossover Operator in Genetic Programming




This paper introduces a new crossover operator for the genetic programming (GP)paradigm, the grammar-based crossover (GBX). This operator works with any grammar-guided genetic programming system. GBX has three important features: it prevents the growth of tree-based GP individuals (a phenomenon known as code bloat), it provides a satisfactory trade-off between the search space exploration and the exploitation capabilities by preserving the context in which subtrees appear in the parent trees and, finally, it takes advantage of the main feature of ambiguous gramrnars, namely, that there is more than one derivation tree for some sentences (solutions). These features give GBX a high convergence speed and low probability of getting trapped in local optima, as shown throughout the comparison of the results achieved by GBX with other relevant crossover operators in two experiments: a laboratory problem and a real-world task: breast cancer prognosis.
机译:本文介绍了一种新的交叉运算符,用于遗传编程(GP)范式,基于语法的交叉(GBX)。该操作员适用于任何语法导向的遗传编程系统。 GBX有三个重要特征:它可以防止基于树的GP个人的增长(一种称为代码膨胀的现象),它通过保留子树出现的上下文来提供搜索空间探索和开发能力之间的令人满意的折衷父树,最后,它利用了暧昧克朗纳的主要特征,即,一些句子有多个派生树(解决方案)。这些特征使GBX具有高收敛速度和捕获在本地Optima的低收敛速度和低概率,如在两个实验中与其他相关交叉运算符在GBX实现的结果的比较中所示:实验室问题和现实世界任务:乳腺癌预后。



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