首页> 外文会议>Annual Frontiers in Education >Business Computing - A Shared Curriculum Proposal for the Spanish-Portuguese Border under the Auspices of the New European Higher Education Area

Business Computing - A Shared Curriculum Proposal for the Spanish-Portuguese Border under the Auspices of the New European Higher Education Area

机译:商业计算 - 在新欧洲高等教育领域的主持下西班牙葡萄牙边境的共同课程提案



The Bologna Declaration is leading to a change of paradigm in the context of higher education in many countries of the European Community; it has a significant impact at the level of curriculum and learning models. Therefore, any reflection and decision work on the processes of teaching/learning imposes the curricular reformulation of higher courses in an innovating way, supported by new references and assumptions. In the context of a project financed by European Community program Interreg III A, we have created a workgroup to propose the reformulation of several courses that belong to Business Computing, from ESTiG-Portugal and from ESPZ-Spain, in an attempt to create harmony between both study plans, considering the socio-economic specific context of the border region between Braganca (Portugal) and Zamora (Spain). This article intends to describe a case-study related to the work done to achieve a curriculum for Business Computing; it describes the changes due to the recent recommendations of Bologna and governmental reflections of Portugal and Spain.



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