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Intelligent Systems: The World of AI for Libraries Roy Balleste, Head of Public Services St. Thomas University Law Library




The first decade of the twenty-first century promises to be revolutionary for law libraries. Part of that revolution will come due to advances in the development of Intelligent Systems applications. One of those applications is the development of Artificial Intelligence-Based Agents, which promise to bring the next generation of technological tools to libraries. Consider that my purpose is to share with you the potential of this technology and to show you how you may set it up at your library at a very low cost. You may outsource this type of service if that is your preference. Here I offer an avenue for those adventurous librarians that want to set up their own AI Agent with minimal or no help. This technology seems to be developing fast and if weare not careful, it could end up passing us by. The government and private sectors already have acknowledged the impact that AI technologies have had in their businesses. Some of these institutions include names such as: Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Boeing, Miller Brewing Company, Volkswagen, Ragu, lams Company, the Government of Canada, and the District of Columbia, among others. These AI agents or "chat bots" have the capability to greet, guide, and even train patrons from the magic of their virtual environments. Consider that an AI agent is a handy tool because it can be "trained" to interact with patrons and to answer questions based on your own specifications. Putting it simply, the ideal AI agent is "created" with three main components: Face, Voice and Brain. Our agent's face (Flash) and voice (text-to-speech or TTS) were designed with software provided by Oddcast Video Technologies. Oddcast provides the tools to design the face and provides the TTS engine. Finally, Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) is the 'engine' that powers our agent's brain, hi theory, AIML is an XML-based language, but obviously more powerful. You will find that your interaction with AIML is intuitive, and that you are not required to have any knowledge of XML. Could librarians benefit from such technology? Is it at all possible? Today, I find myself involved in the process of developing Aki, our law library AI agent. This AI entity was launched in June 2003 as a pilot project. The use of this AI-Based Agent is my latest effort to improve the services provided from the Reference Desk. I believe that AI-Based Agents will help law libraries market their services and will also expand their information delivery, especially after hours.
机译:二十一世纪的第一个十年承诺是法律图书馆的革命性。其中一部分革命将是由于智能系统应用的发展进步。其中一个应用是发展人工智能的代理,这承诺将下一代技术工具带到图书馆。考虑我的目的是与您分享这项技术的潜力,并向您展示如何以非常低的成本在您的图书馆中设置它。如果这是您的偏好,您可能会外包这种类型的服务。在这里,我为那些想要以最小或没有帮助来设置自己的AI代理的冒险图书馆员提供了大道。这项技术似乎快速发展,如果佩戴不小心,它可能最终通过我们。政府和私营部门已经承认了AI技术在其业务中的影响。其中一些机构包括:Coca Cola,Pepsi Cola,Boeing,Miller Brewing Company,Volkswagen,Ragu,Lams Company,加拿大政府以及哥伦比亚特区等。这些AI代理商或“聊天机器人”具有迎接,指导,甚至从虚拟环境的魔力培训顾客的能力。考虑一个AI代理是一个方便的工具,因为它可以是“训练”与顾客互动并根据自己的规格回答问题。简单地说,理想的AI代理是“创建”的三个主要组成部分:面部,语音和大脑。我们的代理人的脸(闪存)和语音(文本到语音或TTS)是设计的奇怪视频技术提供的软件。 OddCast提供设计面部的工具并提供TTS引擎。最后,人工智能标记语言(AIML)是“发动机”,为我们的代理人的大脑提供动力,嗨理论,AIML是一种基于XML的语言,但显然更强大。您会发现与Aiml的互动是直观的,并且您不需要任何了解XML。图书馆员可以从这种技术中受益吗?这一点是否可能?今天,我发现自己参与了发展AKI,我们的法律图书馆AI代理人的过程。此AI实体于2003年6月作为试点项目启动。使用此基于AI的代理是我最新的努力,以改善参考咨询台提供的服务。我相信基于AI的代理商将帮助法律图书馆推销他们的服务,并将扩大他们的信息交付,特别是在几小时之后。



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