
Reactiwe Noninterference




Many programs operate reactively-patiently waiting for user input, running for a while producing output, and eventually returning to a state where they are ready to accept another input (or occasionally diverging). When a reactive program communicates with multiple parties, we would like to be sure that it can be given secret information by one without leaking it to others. Motivated by web browsers and client-side web applications, we explore definitions of noninterference for reactive programs and identify two of special interest-one corresponding to termination-insensitive noninterference for a simple sequential language, the other to termination-sensitive noninterference. We focus on the former and develop a proof technique for showing that program behaviors are secure according to this definition. To demonstrate the viability of the approach, we define a simple reactive language with an information-flow type system and apply our proof technique to show that well-typed programs are secure.
机译:许多程序在反应性等待用户输入操作,在产生输出时运行,并最终返回到准备接受另一个输入(或偶尔发散)的状态。当反应程序与多方通信时,我们希望确保它可以通过一个秘密信息给予秘密信息,而不会将其泄露给他人。由Web浏览器和客户端Web应用程序的激励,我们探索反应性程序的非干扰的定义,并识别对应于简单顺序语言的终端不敏感的非干扰的两个特殊兴趣 - 另一个对终止敏感的非干扰。我们专注于前者,并开发证明技术,表明根据本定义,节目行为是安全的。为了展示方法的生存能力,我们使用信息流式系统定义简单的反应性语言,并应用我们的证明技术,以显示良好的程序是安全的。



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