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Development of Novel Separation Technique of Phosphors Used in Fluorescent Lamps: Preliminary Studies




In our work we studied the possibility of developing a microflotation technique to separate end of life phosphors (fluorescent lamp material) to recycle them. Flotation is classically used in the mine industry in large scale annually hundred of kilotons of ores are separated from the waste this way Nowadays microflotation started widespread in environmental industry and especially in paper industry as a step of waste treatment. The classical flotation technique uses the differences in surface (wetting) properties of particles to separate them. The particles are suspended in aqueous solutions and then foam is formed. Given particles can attach to the foam bubbles and hence travel out from the vessel. Other particles do not attach to or detach from the bubbles and remain in the vessel. The particle - bubble attachment is driven by colloid and hydrodinamie forces. As the particle size goes down to the micron range like in case phosphors for fluorescent lighting applications - the extent of inertial and gravitational forces drop, so the surface and hydrodynamic forces get prevailing. However, under specific conditions the size of the particles may be modified by selective particle - particle aggregation / stabilization that can be controlled by controlling the composition of the solution from which the flotation is done. In this way one can reach the desired selectivity. [1-3] To achieve this goal we need to have a thorough understanding in how the particle -particle and particle - bubble interaction can be modified by altering the suspension pH, surfactant type and concentration.
机译:在我们的工作中,我们研究了开发微型功能化技术的可能性,以将荧光体(荧光灯材料)分开以再循环它们。浮选在矿山行业中,每年矿山行业百千吨矿石的矿石与废物分开,这方面的浪费是如今的微型闪光开始普遍存在环境工业中,特别是造纸业作为废物处理的一步。经典浮选技术使用颗粒表面(润湿)性质的差异来分离它们。将颗粒悬浮在水溶液中,然后形成泡沫。给定的颗粒可以附着在泡沫气泡上,因此从容器中出现。其他颗粒不附加到气泡或拆下并留在容器中。粒子 - 泡沫附着由胶体和氢化物力的力驱动。随着粒径下降到微米等级,如在荧光照明应用的磷光体中,惯性和引力力的程度下降,所以表面和流体动力力的普遍存在。然而,在特定条件下,可以通过选择性粒子聚集/稳定化来修饰颗粒的尺寸,所述选择性粒子聚集/稳定化可以通过控制浮选的溶液的组成来控制。以这种方式,可以达到所需的选择性。 [1-3]为了实现这一目标,我们需要在通过改变悬浮pH,表面活性剂型和浓度来改变粒子粒子和颗粒 - 气泡相互作用的彻底理解。



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