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A Hybrid Method of Sentiment Key Sentence Identification Using Lexical Semantics and Syntactic Dependencies




Many news articles in the Internet portal, blog and forums always have their own emotional orientations. Considering sentiment key sentence plays an important role in supervising social trends and public sentiment state, there has been a significant progress in this area recently, especially the lexicon-based method. However, the lexicon-based method totally dependents on lexical semantics and does not excavate the implied syntactic structure. We propose a new method which integrates lexical semantics and syntactic dependencies. And the method performs dependency parsing on the basis of a novel lexicon-based algorithm. Experimental results on COAE 2014 dataset show that this approach notablely outperforms other baselines of sentiment key sentence identification.
机译:互联网门户网站,博客和论坛中的许多新闻文章总是有自己的情绪导向。考虑到情感关键句在监督社会趋势和公众情绪状态方面发挥着重要作用,最近在这一领域取得了重大进展,特别是基于词汇的方法。但是,基于词汇的方法完全基于词汇语义,并不能挖掘隐含的句法结构。我们提出了一种全新的方法,整合了词汇语义和句法依赖项。并且该方法基于基于新的词典的算法执行依赖性解析。 COAE 2014数据集的实验结果表明,这种方法可观越差优于其他情绪密钥句识别的基线。



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