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Interventional Radiology Procedure Preserves Uterus in Patients with Placenta Accreta




CHICAGO - Researchers reported today on a procedure that can preserve fertility and potentially save the lives of women with a serious pregnancy complication called placenta accreta. Results of the new study presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) showed that placement of balloons in the main artery of the mother's pelvis prior to a Caesarean section protects against hemorrhage and is safe for both mother and baby. Placenta accreta, a condition in which the placenta abnormally implants in the uterus, can lead to additional complications, including massive obstetric hemorrhage at delivery. Surgical removal of the uterus, called hysterectomy, is commonly required to control such bleeding.
机译:芝加哥 - 今天的研究人员今天报告了一个可以保护生育能力的程序,并潜在拯救妇女的生命,患有胎盘复制的严重妊娠并发症。在北美放射学会年会(RSNA)的年会上提出的新研究结果表明,在凯撒段之前,将气球的主动脉置于凯撒段,防止出血,对母亲和婴儿安全。胎盘AccreTa,胎盘异常植入子宫内植入的病症可导致额外的并发症,包括递送巨大的产科出血。通常需要手术去除子宫,称为子宫切除术,以控制这种出血。



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