首页> 外文会议>International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering >Actual sound pressure levels at pop-music concerts Historical review from the 1920s to the present

Actual sound pressure levels at pop-music concerts Historical review from the 1920s to the present




Most concert halls are equipped with fine sound reproduction systems for public broadcast of speech and reinforcement of musical sound. The "power" of such sound reproduction systems has been increasing in Japan since the middle 1960s. Presently, it is not unusual at all to encounter sound pressure levels higher than 120 dB at pop-music concerts. This arouses concern about severe effects on hearing ability, particularly for young listeners. In fact, at such concerts, some audiences claim temporary threshold shift (TTS) and tinnitus. This report reviews actual sound pressure levels encountered at pop-music concerts in Japan since the 1970s including a contemporary example from 2003. Then, we speculate about possible reasons why music producers and musicians have steadily increased sound pressure levels of reproduced sound.
机译:大多数音乐厅都配备了用于公开广播的言语和强化音乐声音的精细再生系统。自20世纪60年代以来,这些声音再现系统的“动力”在日本一直在增加。目前,在流行音乐音乐会上遇到高于120 dB的声压水平并不罕见。这引起了对听力能力的严重影响,特别是对年轻的听众的担忧。事实上,在这样的音乐会上,一些受众声称临时阈值移位(TTS)和耳鸣。此报告从20世纪70年代包括从2003年的当代示例包括当代示例,从20世纪70年代以来,这条报告评论了日本流行音乐音乐会的实际声音压力水平。然后,我们推测了音乐生产者和音乐家稳步增加了再现声音的声压力水平的可能原因。



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