
TLQSolver: A Temporal Logic Query Checker




Query checking was proposed by Chan [2] to speed up design understanding by discovering properties not known a priori. A temporal logic query is an expression containing a symbol? x, referred to as the placeholder, which may be replaced by any propositional formula to yield a CTL formula, e.g., AG~?_x, (AG(?_x Λ p). A propositional formula ψ is a solution to a query ψ in state s if substituting ψ for the placeholder in ψ is a formula that holds in state s. A query ψ is positive [2] if when ψ_1 is a solution to ψ and ψ_1 => ψ_2, then ψ_2 is also a solution. For example, if p Λ q is a solution to ψ, then so is p. For positive queries, we seek to compute a set of strongest propositional formulas that make them true. For example, consider evaluating the query AG?_x, i.e., "what are the invariants of the system", on a model in Figure 1(a), ignoring the variable m. (p V q) Λ r is the strongest invariant: all others, e.g., p V q or r, are implied by it. Thus, it is the solution to this query. In turn, if we are interested in finding the strongest property that holds in all states following those in which-q holds, we form the query AG(-q => AX?_x) which, for the model in Figure 1(a), evaluates to q Λ r. Chan also showed [2] that a query is positive iff the placeholder appears under an even number of negations.
机译:查询检查提出对Chan [2],以加快设计通过发现不先验已知的特性理解。时间逻辑查询是包含符号的表达式? X,被称为占位符,其可通过任何命题公式来代替,以产生CTL式,例如,AG〜?_x,(AG(?_ XΛp)的一种命题公式ψ是一个查询ψ在溶液状态s如果在ψ占位符代ψ是,在状态s保持公式。查询ψ为正[2]如果当ψ_1是ψ的溶液和ψ_1=>ψ_2,然后ψ_2也是一种溶液,例如,如果pΛq为ψ的解决方案,那么这样是p。对于正查询,我们试图计算一组最强的命题公式,使他们真正的。例如,考虑评估查询AG?_x,即“是什么是系统”的不变量,在图1(a)的模型,忽略变量m(p V q)Λr是最强不变:所有其他的,例如,p V q或R,通过它是隐含因此,它是解决这个查询。反过来,如果我们感兴趣的是发现以下那些,其中-q中认为在所有状态保持最强的属性,我们形成查询AG(-q => AX?_x)其中,对于模型我Q图1(a)中,评估到qΛ河陈还表明[2]的查询是当且仅当正下偶数否定的占位符出现。



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