
An Improved Algorithm for Approximating the Radii of Point Sets




We consider the problem of computing the outer-radii of point sets. In this problem, we are given integers n, d, k where k ≤ d, and a set P of n points in R~d. The goal is to compute the outer k-radius of P, denoted by R_k(P), which is the minimum, over all (d - k)-dimensional flats F, of max_(p∈ P)d(p, F), where d(p, F) is the Euclidean distance between the point p and flat F. Computing the radii of point sets is a fundamental problem in computational convexity with significantly many applications. The problem admits a polynomial time algorithm when the dimension d is constant. Here we are interested in the general case when the dimension d is not fixed and can be as large as n, where the problem becomes NP-hard even for k = 1. It has been known that R_k(P) can be approximated in polynomial time by a factor of (1 + ε), for any ε > 0, when d - k is a fixed constant. A factor of O((log n)~(1/2)) approximation for R_1(P), the width of the point set P, is implied from the results of Nemirovskii et al. [19] and Nesterov [18]. The first approximation algorithm for general k has been proposed by Varadarajan, Venkatesh and Zhang. Their algorithm is based on semidefinite programming relaxation and the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma, and it has a performance guarantee of O((log n · log d)~(1/2)). In this paper, we show that R_k(P) can be approximated by a ratio of O((log n)~(1/2)) for any 1 ≤ k ≤ d and thereby improve the ratio of [20] by a factor of O((log d)~(1/2)) that could be as large as O((log n)~(1/2)). This ratio also matches the previously best known ratio for approximating the special case R_1(P), the width of point set P. Our algorithm is based on semidefinite programming relaxation with a new mixed deterministic and randomized rounding procedure.
机译:我们考虑计算点集的外半径的问题。在这个问题中,我们给出了整数n,d,k,其中k≤d,以及在r〜d中的n个点的集合p。目标是计算P的外部K半径,由R_K(P)表示,这是MAX_(P∈P)D(P,F)的所有(D-K) - 二维平面F的最小值,其中d(p,f)是点P和扁平F之间的欧几里德距离。计算点集的半径是计算凸起的基本问题,具有显着许多应用。当尺寸D恒定时,问题承认多项式时间算法。在这里,我们对尺寸D未固定并且可以像n一样大的情况感兴趣,即使对于k = 1,问题变为np - 硬质 - 即使是k = 1。已知R_K(P)可以在多项式中近似当D-k是固定常数时,对于任何ε> 0,对于任何ε> 0的时间(1 +ε)的时间。 r_1(p)的O((log n)〜(1/2))近似的一个因子,从Nemirovskii等人的结果暗示点集P的宽度。 [19]和nesterov [18]。 Varadarajan,Venkatesh和张先生提出了一般k的第一近似算法。它们的算法基于Semidefinite编程放松和Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma,它具有O的性能保证((log n·log d)〜(1/2))。在本文中,我们表明R_K(P)可以通过任何1≤k≤d的O((log n)〜(1/2))的比率近似,从而提高[20]的比率O((log d)〜(1/2))可以与O((log n)〜(1/2))一样大。该比率也与近似特殊情况R_1(p)的比率相匹配,点集P的宽度基于具有新的混合确定性和随机舍入过程的SEMIDEFINITE编程放松。



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