
Tight Bounds for Testing Bipartiteness in General Graphs




In this paper we consider the problem of testing bipartiteness of general graphs. The problem has previously been studied in two models, one most suitable for dense graphs, and one most suitable for bounded-degree graphs. Roughly speaking, dense graphs can be tested for bipartiteness with constant complexity, while the complexity of testing bounded-degree graphs is Θ(n~(1/2)), where n is the number of vertices in the graph. Thus there is a large gap between the complexity of testing in the two cases. In this work we bridge the gap described above. In particular, we study the problem of testing bipartiteness in a model that is suitable for all densities. We present an algorithm whose complexity is O(min(n~(1/2), n~2/m)) where m is the number of edges in the graph, and match it with an almost tight lower bound.
机译:在本文中,我们考虑了测试一般图的两分之一的问题。此前已经在两种型号中研究过的问题,最适合密集图,最适合界限度图。粗略地说,可以以恒定的复杂性测试密集图,而测试有限度图的复杂性是θ(n〜(1/2)),其中n是图中的顶点的数量。因此,在两种情况下测试的复杂性之间存在巨大差距。在这项工作中,我们弥合了上述间隙。特别是,我们研究了适合所有密度的模型中测试两分之一的问题。我们介绍了一种算法,其复杂性为O(min(n〜(n〜(n〜(1/2),n〜2 / m)),其中m是图中的边缘数,并将其与几乎紧的下限相匹配。



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