首页> 外文会议>World Congress on Mountain Medicine and High Altitude Physiology >Effects of exercise training on acclimatization to hypoxia: systemic O2 transport during maximal exercise

Effects of exercise training on acclimatization to hypoxia: systemic O2 transport during maximal exercise




Acclimatization to prolonged hypoxia results in the downregulation of myocardial p adrenoceptors dollar-AR) reduced maximal heart rate (Hr_(max) and cardiac output ( Q_(max)) and little or no change in maximal O2 uptake ( Vo_(2max) ). Hypoxia-induced downregulation of beta-AR is attenuated by exercise training (ET). This study tested the hypothesis that the attenuation of beta-AR downregulation by ET results in a higher Hr_(max), Q_(max) and Vo_(2max) in trained than in sedentary, acclimatized rats. After 3 weeks of treadmill training, male rats either underwent acclimatization to PI_(O2) 70 Torr for 10 days (AT), or remained in normoxia (NAT). Controls were acclimatized sedentary (AS) and non-acclimatized rats (NAS) rats. All rats exercised maximally in normoxia and in hypoxia (PIo2 70 Torr). During normoxic exercise, Vo2nm (ml/(min-kg)) was 95.8+-1.0 in AT; 87.7+- 1.7 in NAT (p<0.05); 72.5+- 1.2 in NAS (p<0.05) and 74.2+-1.4 in AS (p>0.05 AS vs. NAS). A similar distribution of Vtamax values occurred in hypoxic exercise. ET prevented the decrease in Hrmax and contributed to maintaining Qmax after acclimatization: Qmax was similar in AT and NAT, intermediate in NAS, and lowest in AS. The preservation of Qm of AT, coupled with higher arterial blood content (CaO2), resulted in AT having the highest rate of convective blood O2 delivery ( To2max = Qmax -CaCy and contributed to the elevated Vo2max values observed in this set. Our results indicate that attenuation of beta-AR downregulation by ET contributes to maintainingpreserve CW and Vo2max after acclimatization, suggesting that p-AR downregulation plays a key important role in limiting Vo2max after acclimatization.
机译:适应延长缺氧的结果导致心肌P肾上腺素依赖者百分之一的下调减少最大心率(HR_(最大)和心输出(Q_(最大)),最大O2摄取的几乎没有或没有变化(VO_(2max))。缺氧诱导的Beta-AR下调通过运动训练(ET)衰减。该研究测试了β-AR的衰减下调的假设导致更高的HR_(最大),Q_(MAX)和VO_(2MAX)在培训的培训,均匀的大鼠。经过3周的跑步机训练后,雄性大鼠遭受适应于pi_(o2)70托的10天(AT),或留在常氧(NAT)中。被控制的久坐症(AS)。和非适应的大鼠(NAS)大鼠。所有大鼠在常氧血氧和缺氧中最大程度地锻炼(Pio2 70托)。在常见运动中,vo2nm(ml /(min-kg))为95.8 + -1.0 in; 87.7 + - 1.7在NAT中(P <0.05); 72.5 + - 1.2在NAS(P <0.05)和74.2 + -1.4英寸,如(p> 0.05,为与NaS)。vtamax的类似分布缺氧运动中发生的值。 ET阻止了HRMAX的减少,并在适应后保持Qmax:Qmax在AT和NAT中相似,NAS中的中间体,最低。与较高动脉血液含量(CaO2)的QM的保存,导致具有最高的对流血液O 2递送速率(to2max = qmax -cacy,并导致在该组中观察到的升高的vo2max值。我们的结果表明Beta-AR的衰减由ET下调有助于在适应后维持Preserve Age Cw和Vo2max,表明P-AR下调在适应后限制VO2MAX方面发挥关键重要作用。



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