首页> 外文会议>New Zealand Plant Protection Conference >Tropical grass webworm (Herpetogramma licarsisalis): implications for dairy farming in Northland

Tropical grass webworm (Herpetogramma licarsisalis): implications for dairy farming in Northland

机译:热带草韦虫(Herpetogramma Liebarsisalis):北方乳制品养殖的影响



The presence of larvae of Herpetogramma licarsisalis (tropical grass webworm (TGW)) in pasture on the Aupouri Peninsula in Northland, New Zealand, was confirmed in March 1999. A delineation survey undertaken in late March 1999 found an infested areaof approximately 37 000 ha, of which 4450 ha was in dairying. The establishment of TGW in the area has been confirmed by ongoing monitoring of populations from 1999 to the present. Populations decline to extremely low numbers over the winter months withthe main pasture damage period in early autumn (March/April). Infestations to date have been mainly confined to kikuyu pastures. In 1999 and 2002 visual estimations were made of pasture damage by TGW. The implications of this damage are discussed withinthe context of management practices and economic constraints for dairy farming in the area.
机译:1999年3月确认了在新西兰北方北方南邦的牧场牧场(热带草本(TGW))牧场的存在。1999年3月下旬开展了一项划界调查,发现了大约37 000公顷的受侵染的面积。其中4450公顷在乳酿。通过持续监测1999年的人口至现在,已经确认了该地区的TGW的建立。初期在冬季秋季(3月/ 4月)的主要牧场损伤期,人口在冬季下降到极低数月。迄今为止的侵犯是主要限制在Kikuyu牧场上。 1999年和2002年的视觉估计由TGW造成牧场伤害。对该地区乳制品养殖的管理实践和经济限制的背景讨论了这种损害的影响。



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