首页> 外文会议>IEEE Industry Applications Conference >Simultaneous analysis of particle size and electrostatic charge distribution using phases Doppler anemometry

Simultaneous analysis of particle size and electrostatic charge distribution using phases Doppler anemometry




The proposed, non-invasive method of measurement of the charge level on a population of particles employs the Phase Doppler Anemometry (PDA) technique in conjunction with a high-resolution computer controlled traversing system. The PDA system was used to track the motion of charged particles in the presence of a DC electric field. By solving the equation of a particle motion in a viscous medium combined with the simultaneous measurement of its size and velocity the magnitude as well as the polarity of the particle charge can be resolved. In order to detect particles with high electrical mobility and to cover the wide range of electrostatic charges the probe volume was moved mapping the velocity of the particles within the space between the parallel plate electrodes. The preliminary experimental tests were carried out on dioctyl phthalate aerosol droplets produced by nebulising isopropanolic solutions using a Medic-Aid Sidestream nebuliser. The experimental results show that inherent electrostatic charge on dioctyl-phthalate droplets ranged from -250 to 250 electrons with an average charge-to-mass ratio of 0.24μC/g. In case of precharged aerosol the average charge-to-mass ratio increased to 20μC/g. The results presented demonstrate capability of the technique to allow real-time determination of particle size and charge with a high particle count rate in order of several thousands particles per second.
机译:所提出的非侵入性方法对粒子群的电荷水平的测量方法采用相位多普勒式风皮测量(PDA)技术与高分辨率计算机控制的遍历遍历系统一起使用。 PDA系统用于跟踪带电粒子在直流电场存在下的运动。通过求解粘性介质中的颗粒运动的等式,结合其尺寸和速度的同时测量,可以解决粒子电荷的极性以及粒子电荷的极性。为了检测具有高电动迁移率的颗粒并覆盖宽范围的静电电荷,探针体积移动映射平行板电极之间的空间内的颗粒的速度。初步实验试验在通过雾化异丙醇溶液使用的药物助剂侧孢虫雾化器生产的邻苯二甲酸二邻苯二甲酸酯气溶胶液滴进行。实验结果表明,二辛基 - 邻苯二甲酸酯液滴上固有的静电电荷从-250至250个电子,平均电荷质量比为0.24μC/ g。在预充电气溶胶的情况下,平均电荷质量比增加至20μC/ g。结果表明了该技术的能力,以允许实时测定粒度和电荷的高颗粒计数率为每秒数千颗粒。



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