首页> 外文会议>Internaional conference on aluminium alloys >Effect of Microstructure on the Cracking Resistance Characteristics of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr (1933) Wrought High-Strength Alloy

Effect of Microstructure on the Cracking Resistance Characteristics of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr (1933) Wrought High-Strength Alloy




Effect of the grain structure, primary excessive phases and dispersoids (Zr Al_3) on fracture toughness (K_(1c)) and fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) have been investigated (with the use of transmissia electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and metallographic methods) in alloy 1933T3(T7351) extruded profile manufactured from ingots under different ho-mogenization. The tested samples had the same chemical composition and practically the same level of the tensile properties (UTS=490-510 MPa, YTS=430-450 MPa). However, the tested samples essentially differed in K_(1c) and FCGR values (by 1,3-1,5 times) as well as surface fracture structure. Such combination of properties has been provided by differencies in Zr Al_3 dispersoid particles distribution in the volume of compared spesimens and also by changing of initial ingots homogeni-zation regimes.
机译:已经研究了晶粒结构,初级过量相和分散体(Zr Al_3)对断裂韧性(K_(1C))和疲劳裂纹生长速率(FCGR)的影响(通过使用发光电子显微镜(TEM),扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和金相方法)在1933T3(T7351)的挤出型材中由不同HO-MOGELIZION的铸锭制成。测试样品具有相同的化学组成,并且实际上是相同的拉伸性能(UTS = 490-510MPa,YTS = 430-450MPa)。然而,测试的样品在K_(1C)和FCGR值(1,3-1,5次)和表面裂缝结构中基本上不同。这种性质的组合已经通过Zr Al_3分散体颗粒分布中的差异提供了比较的杂项的体积,以及通过改变初始锭均质酶酶制度。



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