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EFNDT WG5: From Landmines to Public Safety

机译:EFNDT WG5:从地雷到公共安全



Some of the most perfidious remnants of war are mines threatening not only combating parties but also innocent civilian lives. Moreover, they make large areas inaccessible that otherwise could be used economically. This threat exists even long after cessation of hostile actions. Up to now, the range of tools for humanitarian demining is confined to mine detection dogs, metal detectors, prodders, manual excavation tools and mechanical clearance machines (flails and tillers). In 1999, this gave rise for the Board of Directors of the EFNDT to suggest whether detection methods commonly applied may also be helpful in detecting mines and the like. It was proposed to transfer existing NDT technology to these areas. As a consequence, Working Group 5 "Antipersonnel Landmine Detection (APLD)" was founded to support this concept. As soon as the group became aware of the fact that mines were encountered not only in the soil but also elsewhere the name was changed to "Antipersonnel Mine Detection (APMD) ". It now is becoming more and more obvious that vicious devises such as mines and bombs threatening lives everywhere represent an increasing risk to everybody. In contrast, the particular interest in antipersonnel mine detection is decreasing in favour of general security and safety. However, all these problems have in common that such devices need to be detected in time, i.e. before they become effective. This gives reason to extend the scope of the existing Working Group 5 accordingly. It is of advantage to exchange existing knowledge and there is a chance to keep the awareness of the mine problem alive by this way.
机译:一些最完整的战争残余物是矿产不仅威胁着派对,而且是无辜的平民生活。此外,它们使大型区域无法进入,否则可以在经济上使用。即使在停止敌对行动后,这种威胁也存在。截至目前,人道主义排雷的工具范围仅限于矿山检测犬,金属探测器,产品,手动挖掘工具和机械清仓机(股花和耕作)。 1999年,这让EFNDT的董事会提出了普遍应用的检测方法,也有助于检测矿山等。建议将现有的NDT技术转移到这些领域。因此,工作组5“止汗地陆地检测(APLD)”得到了支持这一概念。一旦本集团意识到矿山不仅在土壤中遇到的事实,而且在其他地方也被改为“止汗矿物检测(APMD)”。它现在变得越来越明显,诸如矿山和炸弹威胁到处的植物和炸弹威胁的恶毒设计代表了每个人的风险。相反,止汗矿物检测的特殊兴趣降低,有利于一般安全和安全性。然而,所有这些问题都有很常见的是,需要及时检测到这些装置,即在它们变得有效之前。这使得了解现有工作组5的范围。交换现有知识是有利的,并且有机会通过这种方式保持对矿井问题的认识。



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