首页> 外文会议>IEEE Conference on Decision and Control >Robust Hurwitz-Schur stability conditions of polytopes of 2-D polynomials

Robust Hurwitz-Schur stability conditions of polytopes of 2-D polynomials

机译:鲁布斯飓风 - 舒尔斯 - 舒尔稳定性条件2-D多项式的多项式



The characteristic polynomials of polytopes of recursive continuous-discrete systems are polytopes of bivariate (2-D) polynomials. Since the root domain of bivariate polynomials is in 2-D complex space, to be different from that of 1-D polynomials, the analysis for robust stability of polytopes of 2-D polynomials is much more complicated than 1-D case. To solve the problem of stability test of polytopes of recursive continuous-discrete Systems, we establish necessary and sufficient conditions of robust Hurwitz-Schur stability of polytopes of bivariate polynomials. We show that the robust Hurwitz-Schur stability of a polytope of 2-D polynomials can be determined by testing the stability of the edges of the polytope. An example has been given to demonstrate the applicability of our new approach.



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