首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications >On Spectrum Sensing, Secondary and Primary Throughput, Under Outage Constraint With Noise Uncertainty and Flat Fading

On Spectrum Sensing, Secondary and Primary Throughput, Under Outage Constraint With Noise Uncertainty and Flat Fading




Sensing-throughput tradeoff under outage detection constraint has been studied before by assuming no uncertainty in estimation of the noise power, but this might not be the case in practice for an energy detector (ED). In this paper we examine analytically the effect of spectrum sensing on both the secondary user (SU) and the primary user (PU) throughputs under outage detection probability constraint in the presence of noise uncertainty and flat fading channels. First, we apply Jensen's Inequality to derive a new tight closed-form bound for the energy threshold that satisfies a certain outage detection probability. In addition, we derive both the secondary and the primary throughputs over flat fading channels in terms of the new threshold. The simulation results show that there exists an optimum sensing time that maximizes the secondary throughput. Finally, we show that the secondary throughput is more sensitive to noise uncertainty compared to the primary throughput.



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