
Security in Peer-to-Peer Architecture




As the success of file sharing applications such as Gnutella and Napster was generally accepted, a flurry of research activities about "peer-to-peer architecture" has been created. Though the concept of "peer-to-peer" has been proposed for a few years, there is still not an exact definition because of its various forms of structure. A proposed definition is that "Peer to Peer systems are distributed systems consisting of interconnected nodes able to self-organizing into network topologies with the purposes of sharing resources such as content, CPU cycles, storage and bandwidth, capable of adapting to failures and accommodating transient populations of nodes while maintaining acceptable connectivity and performance, without requiring the intermediation or support of a global centralized server or authority". Despite of the various forms, the distributed nature is unchangeable. This offers P2P architecture lots of features, such as scalability, fault tolerance, reliability, fully used of resources and high performances, and so on. These characteristics make the "P2P" architecture superior to the "CS" architecture. Therefore, they make the system pregnable at the same time. So the problem of security in "P2P Architecture" is a serious aspect to be studied. In this paper, I will make a survey of the research activities in security of P2P.



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