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Brain Imaging Using T-RaysInstrumentation Advances




We present the advances on a brain imaging setup using submillimeter detectors and terahertz laser source. Terahertz radiation, known as T-rays, falls in the far infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum close to the microwaves and fraction of millimeter wavelengths. These T-rays are ideal candidates for medical imaging because the wavelength is long enough to be dispersed by molecular structures and sufficient small to produce images with a reasonable resolution, in a non-ionizing way. The millimeter detectors used in this proposal are being developed in parallel to the detectors used in the large Millimeter Telescope (LMT/GTM). Using the non-ionizing water absorption to terahertz radiation by different tissues we study the absorption difference between healthy and tumors in spite of the large absorption by water present in the body.
机译:我们使用Subsillimeter探测器和太赫兹激光源提出了对脑成像设置的进步。 Terahertz辐射被称为T射线,落在电磁光谱的远红外区域,接近微波和毫米波长的分数。这些T射线是医学成像的理想候选者,因为波长足够长,以通过分子结构和足够的小来分散以非电离方式产生具有合理分辨率的图像。本提案中使用的毫米探测器正在与大型毫米望远镜(LMT / GTM)中使用的探测器平行开发。使用不同组织的非电离水吸收对太赫兹辐射的,我们研究了健康和肿瘤之间的吸收差,尽管在身体中存在的水很大。



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