
MM-band radiometric system for contraband detection applications




International passenger transportation (jointly or severally by air, railway, automobile or sea transport) is growing day by day. One of the major tasks of Customs service is organization of effective examination of passengers and their luggage (in stream concept of this process) directed on detection of foreign objects and substances prohibited to import-export, first of all, weapons all kind, narcotic substances and illicit items. At customs luggage control both the methods of direct examination and automated technical equipment now are widely used, first of all, by metal detectors and x-ray installations, which at conjoint application provide rather high efficiency of such control. At personal examination any direct control is limited because ethical reasons and too high time expenses., utilization of penetrating radiation at this case is inadmissible. Therefore at mass examination now technical means aren't going beyond applications of different type metal detectors, which guarantee detection of hidden metal objects (weapon) on human body, but aren't capable to detect objects of nonmetal origin, such as explosive and narcotic substances, or weapons from ceramic materials.



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