
Emergency Veterinary Care at Horse Shows




Equestrian competition has increased to an all time high in recent years. The U.S. Equestrian Federation (USEF) and the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) sanction —6000 horse shows and special events each year. According to their collective internet websites, these two organizations represent —435,000 members and are still growing. There are many more discipline- and breed-specific organizations involved in horse sport in the United States and abroad that sanction and sponsor horse shows and events. The horse show veterinarian has become an essential part of the process and will often be called on before and during competition to provide routine and emergency veterinary medical care. Many organizations have specific regulations regarding the presence of a veterinarian at competitions. The veterinarian plays a vital role, not only providing care for competing horses, but also assuring the public that the welfare of competing horses is of primary importance.



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