首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures >Kinetic Modelling of the Influence of Particles on Creep Strength

Kinetic Modelling of the Influence of Particles on Creep Strength




The influence of particles on creep strength isstudied for an austenitic stainless steel strengthened with TiC-particles in the temperature interval 550-800 deg C. At lowertemperatures, when the dislocations cannot climb over theparticles, the Orowan mechanism dominates. At highertemperatures, the increase in strength is limited by climb. Atintermediate stresses both climb and the Orowan mechanismsare active. By kinetically analysing the time it takes for theparticles to be climbed, the role of the two mechanisms can beclarified. Smaller particles will first be overcome with climb,while larger ones have to be surounded with Orowan loops,which considerably contribute to strength. At low stresses, allparticles are overcome with climb, and the strengtheningcontribution is small. Particle coarsening is described with amulti-component model.
机译:粒子对抗蠕变强度的影响,奥氏体不锈钢在温度间隔550-800℃下加强的奥氏体不锈钢,在低温下,当脱位不能爬过突出物时,奥罗瓦机构占主导地位。在效率中,强度的增加受攀爬的限制。 ATIntermediate强调爬升和orowan机制的活跃。通过动力学分析攀爬的时间所需的时间,两种机制的作用就会被强化。首先将通过爬升来克服较小的颗粒,而较大的颗粒必须用orowan环捕集,这显着促进了强度。在低应力下,所有爬升都会克服所有突出物,并且强化协调很小。用Amulti-组分模型描述粒子粗化。



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