
Towards Signature-Only Signature Schemes




We consider a problem which was stated in a request for comments made by NIST in the FIPS97 document. The question is the following: Can we have a digital signature public key infrastructure where the public (signature verification) keys cannot be abused for performing encryption? This may be applicable in the context of, say, exportable/escrow cryptography. The basic dilemma is that on the one hand, (1) to avoid framing by potentially misbehaving authorities we do not want them to ever learn the ``signing keys'' (e.g., Japan at some point declared a policy where signature keys may be required to be escrowed), and on the other hand (2) if we allow separate inaccessible public signature verification keys, these keys (based on trapdoor functions) can be used as ``shadow public-keys,'' and hence can be used to encrypt data in an unrecoverable manner. Any solution within the ``trapdoor function'' paradigm of Diffie and Hellman does not seem to lead to a solution which will simultaneously satisfy (1) and (2). The cryptographic community so far has paid very limited attention to the problem. In this work, we present the basic issues and suggest a possible methodology and the first scheme that may be used to solve much of the problem. Our solution takes the following steps: (1) it develops the notion of a nested trapdoor which our methodology is based on, (2) we implement this notion based on a novel composite ``double-decker'' exponentiation technique which embeds the RSA problem within it (the technique may be of independent interest), (3) we analyze carefully what can be and what cannot be achieved regarding the open problem by NIST (our analysis is balanced and points out possibilities as well as impossibilities), and (4) we give a secure signature scheme within a public key infrastructure, wherein the published public key can be used for signature verification only (if it is used for encryptions, then the authorities can decrypt the data). The security of our scheme is based on RSA. We then argue how the scheme's key cannot be abused (statically) based on an additional assumption. We also show that further leakages and subliminal leakages when the scheme is in (dynamic) use are not added substantially beyond what is always possible by a simple adversary; we call this notion competitive leakage. We also demonstrate such simple leaking adversary. We hope that our initial work will stimulate further thoughts on the non-trivial issue of signature-only signatures.
机译:我们认为这是在由NIST的FIPS97文件中所作的评论的请求表示有问题。现在的问题是:我们能否让公众(签名验证)密钥不能被滥用于执行加密的数字签名的公钥基础设施?这可能是适用的,也就是说,导出/代管加密上下文。基本的困境是,一方面,(1)由潜在的行为不端,我们不希望他们永远学习的``签名密钥“当局避免框架”(例如,日本在某些时候宣布一个策略,其中签名密钥可能需要被暂时保留),和在另一方面(2)如果我们允许单独的不可访问的公共签名验证密钥,这些密钥(基于陷门函数)可被用作``阴影公共密钥,“”,并因此可用于在不可恢复的方式加密的数据。在``陷门函数“”的Diffie和Hellman的范例内的任何溶液似乎不导致的溶液,将同时满足(1)和(2)。加密社会迄今已支付非常有限关注的问题。在这项工作中,我们提出的基本问题,并提出可能的办法,并且可以用来解决许多问题的第一个方案。我们的解决方案采用以下步骤:(1)它的发展,我们的方法是基于嵌套暗门的概念,(2),我们实现了一个基于一种新颖的复合``双层“”幂技术,其嵌入RSA这个概念在它的问题(该技术可能是独立的利益的),(3)我们仔细分析一下就可以,不能就通过NIST的开放问题,达到什么(我们的分析是平衡进出的可能性以及不可能性分),和( 4)我们要给大家一个公开密钥基础设施,其中已发布的公共密钥可以只用于签名验证(如果它用于加密,那么当局可以解密数据)中的安全签名方案。我们的方案的安全性是基于RSA。然后,我们认为如何基于一个假设额外计划的关键是不能滥用(静态)。我们还表明,进一步的泄漏和潜意识泄漏时,方案是(动态)使用不添加大幅超越什么总是可以通过一个简单的对手;我们称这种概念有竞争力的泄漏。我们还演示了这种简单的泄漏对手。我们希望,我们的初步工作将刺激仅签名的签名的非平凡问题的进一步思考。



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