
The European Standardization on PPE and Ergonomics Aspects




As you can see, people involved in standardization, research and certification activities on PPEs never rest and do their best to improve the quality of European standards. The leading occupational health and safety institutes in Europe, already play and shall continue to play a key role in this field. The active participation of CIOP at European level, in many research projects, in the vertical groups of the coordination of Notified Bodies and in the CEN technical committees is a typical example to be underlined and to be followed by other pre-accession countries. But all the remaining problems will not be solved very quickly. In fact, this is a lengthy process involving exchanges, which will mobilise all the concerned experts over a couple of other years.
机译:正如您所看到的,参与标准化,研究和认证活动的PPES从不休息,尽最大努力提高欧洲标准的质量。欧洲领先的职业健康和安全机构,已经发挥,并在这一领域继续发挥关键作用。 CIOP在许多研究项目中的CIOP积极参与,在许多研究项目中,在通知机构和CEN技术委员会的协调群体中是一个典型的例子,旨在强调并遵循其他预加入国家。但所有剩余的问题都不会很快解决。事实上,这是一个漫长的过程,涉及交易所,这将使所有有关专家在其他几年中调动所有相关专家。



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