首页> 外文会议>International GeologicalCongress >Evidence for Growth Fault-Bend Folds in the Tarim Basin and Its Implications for Fault-Slip Rates in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic

Evidence for Growth Fault-Bend Folds in the Tarim Basin and Its Implications for Fault-Slip Rates in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic




Growth fault bend folds were discovered in the Tarim basin for the first time. The growth fault bend fold is an excellent indicator for timing the emplacement of thrust fault. Typical growth triangle and growth strata are well exposed on surface and identified in seismic profiles. They are of V_s/V_u>1 type, V_s/V_u-1 type and V_s/V_u<1 type (V_s: sedimentary rate; V_u uplift rate), and occurred during the Permian, Triassic, Jurassic and Cenozoic. In light of the growth triangle, the average movement rate of the thrust is estimated as 0.06 mm/a during Jurassic. The slow thrust emplacement rate is favorable for oil and gas accumulation.
机译:第一次在Tarim盆地中发现了生长故障弯曲折叠。增长故障弯曲折叠是用于定时推力故障的施加的优异指示灯。典型的生长三角和生长层在表面上很好地暴露并在地震型材中鉴定。它们是V_S / V_U> 1类型,V_S / V_U-1类型和V_S / V_U <1类型(V_S:沉积率; V_U提升速率),并在二叠纪,三叠系,侏罗纪和新生代发生。鉴于生长三角形,侏罗纪期间推力的平均运动速率估计为0.06毫米/ a。慢速推力施加率有利于石油和天然气积累。



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