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The OntoREA Accounting and Finance Model: Ontological Conceptualization of the Accounting and Finance Domain




Geerts and McCarthy [1, 2] extended McCarthy's [3] Resource-Event-Agent (REA) accounting model with a forward-looking perspective by including commitments and economic contracts. Schwaiger [4] investigated the extended REA accounting model with respect to accounting and finance requirements and developed the REA-based Asset-Liability-Equity (ALE) accounting model. Due to the ontological neutrality of UML class diagrams [5], financial instruments are not concisely conceptualized. This holds true especially for derivative instruments which have very special temporal modal and identity-related peculiarities. For modeling them the OntoUML language developed by Guizzardi [6] provides a solid foundation. In this article ontological meta-properties of OntoUML are used to specify these peculiarities and to derive the OntoREA Accounting and Finance Model, which constitutes a valid ontology-based conceptualization of the accounting and finance domain. This model should be beneficial especially for business analysts who have to understand and develop conceptual models for up-to-date enterprise and accounting information systems.
机译:Geerts和McCarthy [1,2]扩展了McCarthy的[3]资源 - 事件 - 代理(REA)会计模型,通过包括承诺和经济合同,具有前瞻性的视角。 Schwaiger [4]调查了延长的REA会计模型,了解会计和财务要求,并制定了基于REA的资产责任 - 股票(ALE)会计模型。由于UML类图的本体中性[5],金融工具并不概念化。这尤其适用于具有非常特殊的颞型模态和身份与身份相关的特殊性的衍生工具。对于模拟它们,Guizzardi [6]开发的ONTOUML语言提供了坚实的基础。在本文中,ONTOUML的本体论元属性用于指定这些特殊性,并派生Ontorea会计和财务模型,该模型构成了会计和财务领域的基于有效的本体论的概念化。该模型应对必须了解并开发最新企业和会计信息系统的概念模型的业务分析师有益。



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