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Individual's Neutral Emotional Expression Tracking for Physical Exercise Monitoring




Facial expression analysis is a widespread technology applied in various research areas, including sports science. In the last few decades, facial expression analysis has become a key technology for monitoring physical exercise. In this paper, a deep neural network is proposed to recognize seven basic emotions and their corresponding probability values (scores). The score of the neutral emotion was tracked throughout the exercise and related with heart rate and power generation by a stationary bicycle. It was found that in a certain power range, a participant changes his/her expression drastically. Twelve university students participated in the sub-maximal physical exercise in stationary bicycles. A facial video, heart rate.and power generation were recorded throughout the exercise. All the experiments, including the facial expression analysis, were carried out offline. The score of the neutral emotion and its derivative was plotted against maxHR% and maxPower%. The threshold point was determined by calculating the local minima, with the threshold power for all the participants being within 80% to 90% of its maximum value. From the results, it is concluded that the facial expression was different from one individual to another, but it was more consis-tant with power generation. The threshold point can be a useful cue for various purposes, such as: physiological parameter prediction and automatic load control in the exercise equipment, such as treadmill and stationary bicycle.



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