
FORGE 90: a parallel programming environment

机译:Forge 90:并行编程环境



The author discusses some of the problems facing current compiler technology, and suggests several possible new approaches. He points out that it is now possible to automatically translate a portable Fortran program into forms that efficiently utilize a vector processor, a shared memory or a distributed memory parallel processor-either SIMD (single instruction, multiple data) or MIMD (multiple instruction, multiple data). This capability is now being demonstrated within the interactive parallel programming environment FORGE 90. FORGE 90s database permits it to parallelize DO loops containing calls to other routines. FORGE 90 can perform the necessary analysis for determining if the loop can be parallelized because it has all the information about called routines that it needs in the database. This gives FORGE 90 the ability to analyze the highest level DO loops in the program.
机译:作者讨论了当前编译器技术面临的一些问题,并提出了几种可能的新方法。他指出,现在可以自动将便携式FORTRAN程序自动转换为能够有效地利用矢量处理器,共享存储器或分布式内存并行处理器 - SIMD(单指令,多个数据)或MIMD(多个指令,多个指令数据)。现在在交互式并行编程环境中展示了这种能力90. Forge 90s数据库允许它并行化包含对其他例程调用的循环。 Forge 90可以执行必要的分析,以确定循环是否可以并行化,因为它具有关于它在数据库中所需的名为例程的所有信息。这使得Forge 90能够分析程序中最高级别的循环。



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