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Improving the field of view for the next generation of US Army Black Hawk helicopters




The results of a study pertaining to the field-of-view (FOV) of the US Army UH-60A Black Hawk helicopter are presented. The study involved a comprehensive review of Army requirement documents, existing FOV studies, and accidental data. Close attention was given to the dynamic flight characteristics that effect FOV. The study team collected technical data related to rotary wing aircraft design, in general, and the UH-60A design, in particular; conducted a survey of UH-60A pilots; and interviewed users and other technical experts. The study revealed that the current UH-60A design meets the requirements of MIL-STD 850B under static conditions. The only exception is the obstructed view that the door and windshield vertical structures create. However, under dynamic conditions the UH-60A design and normal flight characteristics substantially reduce the FOV in critical areas. Eleven options are identified that can improve and/or enhance the next-generation Black Hawk's FOV if incorporated into the design. Each option is presented and discussed.
机译:提出了关于美国陆军UH-60A黑鹰直升机的视野(FOV)的研究结果。该研究涉及陆军要求文件,现有FOV研究和意外数据的全面审查。对动态飞行特征感到密切关注FOV的动态飞行特征。该研究团队收集了与旋翼飞机设计相关的技术数据,以及UH-60A设计,特别是UH-60A设计;对UH-60A飞行员进行了调查;并采访了用户和其他技术专家。该研究表明,目前的UH-60A设计符合静态条件下MIL-STD 850B的要求。唯一的例外是受阻的观点,即门和挡风玻璃垂直结构创造。然而,在动态条件下,UH-60A设计和正常的飞行特性在关键区域中基本上减少了FOV。确定了11个选项,可以在设计中改进和/或增强下一代黑鹰的FOV。每个选项都出现并讨论。



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