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Machine learning based Collaborative Intelligent Closing Gap between Graduates and Labour Market Framework




Unemployment of college graduates is a major issue in many countries throughout the world. Nevertheless, rapid economic growth in many fields requires graduates with specialized skills, particularly in the Gulf region and especially in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which has two main projects, Saudi Vision 2030 and NEOM. Such projects need graduates equipped with skills and experience to cope with economic growth, digital transformation, technological advancements, and future needs. Therefore, Saudi Vision is focusing on the second pillar of Saudi Vision 2030: creating a thriving economy to increase employment and reduce the unemployment rate from 11.6% to 7%. Some studies have sought to highlight or to solve graduate unemployment problems using traditional methods. Even though many of them are time-consuming and endeavouring, the outcome received is exceedingly faint. Hence, this study utilizes information technology to build a framework called Collaborative Intelligent Computer study Graduates and Labour Market Framework (CICCLM). CICCLM uses a machine learning approach and data science methods to identify the weaknesses to close the gap between university computing graduates and employer expectations through an analysis of the labour market requirements aligning them to the graduates ‘capabilities. Furthermore, CICCLM provides recommendations and visualization platform about the mismatch between academic education and industry requirements. Additionally, CICCLM provides recommendations to update the curriculum and course plan, while providing training courses for old graduate students.
机译:大学毕业生的失业是全球许多国家的一个主要问题。尽管如此,许多领域的快速经济增长需要毕业生,特别是在海湾地区,特别是在沙特阿拉伯王国,其中有两个主要项目,沙特阿达2030和Neom。此类项目需要毕业生,以应对经济增长,数字转型,技术进步和未来需求的技能和经验。因此,沙特愿景专注于沙特愿景2030的第二支支柱:创造一个蓬勃发展的经济,以增加就业,将失业率降低到7%至7%。一些研究要求使用传统方法突出或解决毕业生失业问题。尽管他们中的许多人是耗时和努力的,但收到的结果非常淡化。因此,本研究利用信息技术建立一个名为协同智能计算机研究毕业生和劳动力市场框架(CICCLM)的框架。 CICCLM使用机器学习方法和数据科学方法来识别在劳动力市场要求对准毕业生的能力方面,识别缩小大学计算毕业生和雇主预期之间差距的弱点。此外,CICCLM提供关于学术教育和行业要求之间不匹配的建议和可视化平台。此外,CICCLM提供了更新课程和课程计划的建议,同时为旧研究生提供培训课程。



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