
Particle identification using machine learning at the HADES experiment




The recent outburst in the popularity of the computational technology associated with a broad topic of data science results in a high and still growing accessibility of tools allowing one to make use of sophisticated machine learning algorithms without an expert-level knowledge in the field. Due to that, the usage of such mechanisms became widespread in many branches of business and science, where it helps to analyse large and/or complicated data sets in a relatively quick and efficient way, while obtaining highly accurate results. This paper briefly describes the preparation and evaluation of a solution based on these mechanisms and designed for the problem of particle identification in the HADES experiment at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe. The research was conducted with the usage of data coming from 1.23 AGeV Au+Au collisions in the HADES detector simulated using Monte Carlo methods of the GEANT toolkit. The next step will focus on applying the prepared solution to experimental data, but the development is still ongoing.
机译:最近在与数据科学广泛主题相关的计算技术的普及中的普及导致了高且仍然不断增长的工具可访问性,允许其中利用特勤机器学习算法,没有现场的专家级知识。因此,在许多商业和科学分支机构中,这种机制的使用是普遍的,在那里它有助于以相对快速有效的方式分析大型和/或复杂的数据集,同时获得高度准确的结果。本文简要介绍了基于这些机制的解决方案的制备和评价,并为欧洲的Aliproton和ION研究设施的哈斯族实验中的粒子鉴定问题而设计。该研究是通过使用来自Geant Toolkit的Monte Carlo方法的HATES探测器中的1.23型Adv Au + Au碰撞的数据进行了研究。下一步将专注于将准备好的解决方案应用于实验数据,但开发仍在进行。



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