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A Novel Method for Environmental Risk Assessment: A Case Study of Coarse Particulate Matter and Infant Birth Weight




In this study, we demonstrate how a Bayesian belief network (BN) model can be used to quantify hypothesis-based weight-of-evidence (HBWoE) evaluation for the particulate matter (PM) exposure network risk factors. Most studies of particulate matter exposure and adverse health outcomes have been performed for PM_(2.5) (aerodynamic diameter ≤ 2.5 μm) and PM_10 (aerodynamic diameter ≤ 10 μm). However, the lack of direct measurement of coarse PM (PM_(2.5-10), aerodynamic diameter from 2.5 to 10 μm) causes inconsistent results. There are limited studies on exposure to PM_(2.5-10) during gestation and low birth weight. It is important to investigate the impacts of PM_(2.5-10) on birth weight by weighing all of the evidence that can help to understand and predict the potential risks. The results of the designed model indicate that maternal exposure to ambient coarse PM pollution (>16 μg/m~3) provides high correlation between low birth weight and coarse PM concentration with false negative rate (FNR) of 15%. The results show an effective way of evaluating the cumulative results of studies to measure how much the evidence supports the hypothesis. The proposed framework can be implemented in several other environmental contaminant exposure health-risk problems to understand the value of information in each study and overall cumulative information.
机译:在这项研究中,我们展示了贝叶斯信仰网络(BN)模型如何用于量化基于假设的权重证据(HBWOE)评估,用于颗粒物质(PM)曝光网络风险因素。已经对PM_(2.5)(空气动力直径≤2.5μm)和PM_10(空气动力学直径≤10μm)进行了大多数颗粒状物质暴露和不良健康结果。然而,粗暴PM的直接测量(PM_(2.5-10),空气动力学直径为2.5至10μm)会导致结果不一致。在妊娠期间暴露于PM_(2.5-10)和低出生体重有限。通过权衡所有可以有助于理解和预测潜在风险的证据来研究PM_(2.5-10)对出生体重的影响非常重要。设计模型的结果表明,母体暴露于环境粗PM污染(>16μg/ m〜3)提供低出生体重和粗PM浓度之间的高相关,具有15%的假负率(FNR)。结果表明,评估研究累计结果的有效方式,以衡量证据支持假设的程度。拟议的框架可以在其他几种环境污染物暴露健康风险问题中实现,以了解每项研究中信息的价值和整体累积信息。



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