首页> 外文会议>応用物理学会学術講演会;応用物理学会 >Temperature Dependence of Unidirectional Spin Hall Magnetoresistance in non-magnetic metal/ferromagnetic metal bilayers

Temperature Dependence of Unidirectional Spin Hall Magnetoresistance in non-magnetic metal/ferromagnetic metal bilayers




Recently, the unidirectional spin Hall magnetoresistance (USMR) has been observed experimentally as thesecond harmonic component of the longitudinal resistance R_(2ω) in several non-magnetic metal(NM)/ferromagnetic metal (FM) bilayers. The USMR is applicable to magnetic random-access memories(MRAMs) . The mechanisms have been proposed as the modulation of the interface resistance due to thespin accumulation by spin Hall effect (SHE) and/orelectron spin-flip scattering by excited magnons. In arecent work, magnons are mainly responsible for theUSMR in the high-temperature regime . R_(2ω)includes not only the USMR but also thermoelectriceffects and spin-orbit torques (SOT). In the high-fieldregime, however, SOT can be excluded andthermoelectric effects still remain. Here, we try tomeasure the temperature dependence of the USMRconsidering thermoelectric effects to discuss themechanism of USMR in NM/FM bilayers.Figure 1 shows the scanning electron micrographsof our device consisting of NiFe(5 nm)/Pt(10 nm)Hall bar. We can measure simultaneously the secondharmonic resistances in both geometries, (a) and (b).In geometry (a), we can obtain the combined signalsof the USMR and thermoelectric effects while onlythermoelectric effect appears in (b). At a giventemperature ranging from 10 to 290 K, we measuredR_(2ω), R_(2ω)~H while sweeping a magnetic field from -200to 200 mT. Figures 2 and 3 show the results at 10 Kand 290 K, respectively. As shown here, thetemperature variation in the USMR is prominent incomparison to the thermoelectric effects.
机译:最近,在实验上观察到单向旋转霍尔磁阻(USMR)作为纵向电阻的二次谐波分量R_(2Ω)在几种非磁性金属中(NM)/铁磁金属(FM)双层。 USMR适用于磁随机接入存储器(MRAMS)。已提出机制作为由于界面电阻的调制而导致的旋转霍尔效应(她)和/或电子旋转翻转散射通过激励的隆起。在一个最近的工作,Magnons主要负责USMR在高温制度中。 R_(2Ω)不仅包括USMR,还包括热电效果和旋转轨道扭矩(SOT)。在高场然而,政权可以被排除在外热电效应仍然存在。在这里,我们尝试测量USMR的温度依赖性考虑到热电效应讨论NM / FM双层中USMR机制。图1显示了扫描电子显微照片我们的设备由NiFe(5 nm)/ pt(10nm)组成大厅酒吧。我们可以同时衡量第二个几何形状,(a)和(b)中的谐波电阻。在几何(a)中,我们可以获得组合信号仅限USMR和热电效应热电效应出现在(b)中。在给定温度范围为10至290 k,我们测量R_(2Ω),r_(2Ω)〜h扫描-200的磁场到200吨。图2和3显示了10 k的结果分别为290 k。如这里所示,USMR的温度变化突出与热电效应的比较。



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