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Clustering Examples in Web-based Tutoring Systems based on Relevance of Concepts




Web-based online tutoring systems (WOTS) have become extremely important and relevant in today’s world, especially with COVID-19 requiring schools, colleges and universities to offer alternate forms of delivery. Many studies have indicated that students find worked-out examples very useful, when they are performing a task or studying for final exams. WOTS certainly have the capability to host hundreds of such examples in their repositories, but presenting students with such repositories may cause cognitive overload on students and may force them to bear the responsibility of searching for the most relevant examples, when in need. This paper proposes an algorithm called CER (Clustering Examples based on Relevance) that organizes a collection of worked-out examples into coherent and relevant clusters - relevant to the learning concepts covered by them. When generating clusters, CER acknowledges not only the local relevance of a concept (using parameters such as mode) within a cluster but also its global relevance. The proposed algorithm CER is validated using Dunn’s index as the internal validity index - a score of 0.81 was achieved for CER. The external validity of CER was measured by comparing its results to a benchmark dataset that had properties of data that were common to the domain of CER.
机译:基于网络的在线辅导系统(WOTS)在今天的世界中变得非常重要和相关,特别是与Covid-19要求学校,学院和大学提供替代形式的交付形式。许多研究表明,当学生在执行任务或学习最终考试时,学生发现精确的例子非常有用。 WOT肯定有能力在其储存库中主持数百项这样的例子,但呈现这些存储库的学生可能会导致学生的认知过载,并且可能迫使他们承担需要在需要时寻求最相关的示例的责任。本文提出了一种称为CER(基于相关性的聚类示例)的算法,该算法组织了一系列制定的例子,进入了连贯和相关群集 - 与他们所涵盖的学习概念相关。生成群集时,CER不仅承认群集内的概念(使用诸如模式的参数)的本地相关性,而且是其全局相关性。使用DUNN的指数验证所提出的算法CER作为内部有效性指数 - CER实现了0.81分。通过将其结果与基准数据集进行比较来测量CER的外部有效性,该基准数据集具有与CER的域共同的数据属性。



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