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Infor's CSI / Mongoose in the Classroom: A Professor and Student Perspective

机译:Infor在课堂上的CSI / Mongoose:教授和学生视角



Using industry products in the classroom are what makes a significant difference in student learning and preparation into the workforce. Students need skills sets that will differentiate them from other graduates when seeking employment. The partnership with Infor allows students at Farmingdale State College to use the ERP CSI and Visual solutions prevalent in industry in the classroom. This partnership allows for a synergy between Education and Industry/Business that has resulted in many students obtaining jobs. Infor and Farmingdale State College have a long-standing relationship from our use of their Visual ERP tool through their premier solution provider Synergy Resources to their new EAP program with CSI. The negotiated endowment for the CSI offering has been in the classroom successfully for a year now while the Visual tool has been in our class for more than nine years. Winning awards and accolades from companies who hire our students. Only through these very important Academic and Industry partnerships can we mutually succeed. These tools used in Dr. O'Sullivan's ERP classes at Farmingdale State College is where Brandon Barroca is the dedicated CSI Intern.
机译:在课堂上使用行业产品是学生学习和准备到劳动力的重要差异。学生需要在寻求就业时将他们与其他毕业生区分开来的技能集。与Infor的合作伙伴关系允许学生在Farmingdale州学院使用ERP CSI和课堂上普遍存在的视觉解决方案。这种合作伙伴关系允许在获得许多学生获得工作的教育和行业/业务之间的协同作用。 Infor和Farmingdale州立学院通过我们的首先通过优先的解决方案提供商协同资源与CSI的新EAP程序的使用,从我们的Visual ERP工具使用他们的视觉ERP工具有一直存在长期的关系。 CSI提供的谈判捐赠已经在课堂上成功了一年,而视觉工具已在我们的班级超过九年。赢得雇用学生的公司的奖项和赞誉。只有通过这些非常重要的学术和行业伙伴关系,我们可以相互成功。在Farmingdale州学院的O'Sullivan博士中使用的这些工具是Brandon Barroca是专门的CSI实习生。



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