首页> 外文会议>IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop >Geometry and Radiometry Invariant Matched Manifold Detection and Robust Homography Estimation

Geometry and Radiometry Invariant Matched Manifold Detection and Robust Homography Estimation




We elaborate on the problem of robust homography estimation based on a novel framework of geometry and radiometry invariant matched manifold detection: Any two observations on the same planar surface are related through a geometric transformation described by a homography, and some radiometric transformation. Using the proposed approach the surface image is tessellated into tiles, such that locally on each tile, the geometric transformation is approximately affine, and the radiometric transformation is monotone. Applying to each of the observations on a surface tile, the radiometry invariant universal manifold embedding (RIUME) operator, the set of all possible observations on that tile is mapped to a single linear subspace of some high dimensional Euclidean space - invariant to monotonic amplitude transformations, and to affine geometric transformations. Thus, by tessellating the observed surface into a set of tiles and matching each tile using the RIUME matched manifold detector to the hypothesized corresponding tile in the other observation on that surface, an efficient method for robust and dense matching of large patches on different observations of the surface is established. Due to the high accuracy of the obtained tile matches, the outliers problem is eliminated. Hence a linear algorithm like the DLT yields accurate estimates of the homography parameters.
机译:我们详细阐述了基于几何形状和辐射测定的新颖框架的鲁棒同源估计问题不变匹配歧管检测:相同平面表面上的任何两个观察都是通过由同字的几何变换和一些辐射变换的几何变换相关。使用所提出的方法将表面图像镶嵌成瓦片,使得本地在每个瓦片上,几何变换近似呈辐射,并且辐射变换是单调的。施加到表面瓦片上的每个观察,辐射算法不变通用歧管嵌入(rioune)操作员,这一套关于该瓦片上的所有可能观察的集合被映射到某些高维欧几里德空间 - 不变的单调幅度变换的单个线性子空间,并仿射几何变换。因此,通过将观察到的表面镶嵌成一组瓦片并使用米匹配的歧管检测器与每个瓦片匹配到假设的相应瓦片上的另一个观察到该表面的观察中,是一种有效的方法,用于不同观察的大斑块的鲁棒和密集匹配表面建立。由于所获得的瓷砖匹配的高精度,消除了异常值问题。因此,像DLT这样的线性算法产生了相同参数的精确估计。



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