首页> 外文会议>IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop >Quantifying Hardware Related Attenuation from the Analysis of Nearby Microwave Links

Quantifying Hardware Related Attenuation from the Analysis of Nearby Microwave Links




Commercial microwave links (CMLs), widely used as a backhaul of cellular networks, can be used for rainfall retrieval. Major uncertainties in CML rainfall estimation arise from hardware related attenuation, which is difficult to quantify. The contribution suggests using close-by CMLs to quantify this attenuation. The approach is tested on two years of data from three CMLs operating at 38 GHz. The results show that hardware related attenuation can reach more than 10 dB and that these extreme values are associated with heavy rainfalls. However, high attenuation values can occur also during light rainfalls and dew events. We suggest, that hardware related attenuation follows different functional relation during light and during heavy rainfalls. During light rainfalls (and dew events), attenuation gradually increases, however, during heavy rainfalls it is rather dependent on rainfall intensity.
机译:商业微波链路(CML)被广泛用作蜂窝网络的回程,可用于降雨检索。 CML降雨量估算的主要不确定性来自与硬件相关的衰减,很难量化。该贡献表明使用近距离CML量化此衰减。该方法在运行于38 GHz的三个CML的两年数据上进行了测试。结果表明,与硬件相关的衰减可以达到10 dB以上,并且这些极端值与暴雨有关。但是,在小雨和露水事件中也会出现高衰减值。我们建议,与硬件相关的衰减在小雨和大雨期间遵循不同的功能关系。在小雨(和露水事件)期间,衰减逐渐增加,但是在大雨期间,衰减取决于降雨强度。



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